of the Great War 1914 - 1918
A web site dedicated to the
history and battlefields of the Great War 1914-1918.
With information about the war itself and on how to visit
the battlefields in France and Flanders. |
Gallipoli Association
Dedicated to keeping alive
the memory and commemorating the events of the Great
War campaign on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey, which
that took place from early 1915 to January 1916. |
Postcards of the Great War
The site features a collection
of war-themed postal cards produced during World War
1 (1914 - 1919). |
of Honour
Dedicated to those men and women
who fell fighting for Great Britain with listings of various
war memorials around the country. |
War Journal - Western Front 1914-1918
A summary of the battles fought
on the western front including battle maps and photos. |
War 1 Document Archive
An archive of importants documents
from World War I, which has been assembled by Great War enthusiasts
from around the world. |
Witness to History.com
Provides eye witness accounts of
key events during World War 1. |